Meet the Team
Peter Giser – Artistic Director/Founder
I admire artists that can practice multiple arts at a good level, such as performance, painting, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, and so forth. My artistic efforts so far have mostly resided in the realms of acting/directing and music, but rather than choose from amongst these to determine which is most important to me, I should instead say I hope I will eventually be able to add other disciplines to the list. I do have some years of training in dance, and have studied as a lighting designer, and have even choreographed fight scenes and a few comedic dance numbers. It’s helpful to have these things in my tool kit, and I hope to add others in time.
I’ve trained in many different ways and places. I have a Bachelor’s degree in music from McGill University; studied dance at the Louise LaPierre school in Montreal; trained at the Montreal School of Performing Arts for 3-4 years during that same time; completed the two-year diploma program at the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York City; spent years after that as a member of the Michael Chekhov Theatre Company in New York City learning every part of what it takes to run a theatre company; and now I’ve finally co-founded a company called Snowglobe Theatre. I owe a debt of gratitude to all teachers at these places, and to all the teachers that I will continue to learn from in the years to come.
My current and complete focus, however, is on Snowglobe Theatre. It has been my dream for almost ten years to found and support a theatre company and to build a community of people who can learn from each other and do what they love. Our mandate is to bring opportunities to Montreal artists to hone their craft, and to bring meaningful pieces to the stage – both plays and musical works. Being artistic director of Snowglobe and directing its plays have become the center of my creative life and I hope to be able to work with the rest of the great team we have to grow the company and make a mark on Montreal theatre.
Sandra D’Angelo – General Manager/Founder

Jonathan Greenway – Production Manager/Designer
Jonathan joined Snowglobe Theatre company for their second production of His Girl Friday as Assistant Director. His experience in technical theatre led him to become Snowglobe’s Production Manager. Jonathan grew up performing in local, semi and professional theatre in his hometown on Vancouver Island, BC. He studied at Vancouver Island University in a 2-year stage craft and acting intensive program before doing 1 year in BFA Design and finishing his BA Theatre Honours degree in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia with a focus on theatre history and performance creation of absurd theatre. Jonathan has worked and participated as a director, dramaterg, actor, set and costume designer, marketing manager, technical director and front of house for Fringe, and BC-based theatre companies. He plans to work with Snowglobe and pursue his Masters in Drama Therapy at Concordia University in the coming years.