William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
King Claudious and his guards oversee the fight between Hamlet and Laertes The merry pirates Ophelia and Claudious The Players performing for the group Hamlet Laertes Ophelia and Polonius. Osric and Horatio The Doctor and the Gravedigger Espace Knox

How far to fight for justice? To kill? To die – or something more?
Snowglobe presents Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the classic tragedy of a reluctant revenge hero. Both exciting and sombre, it is a meditation on life and death, posing difficult questions that strike to the heart of our concerns today: What is the proper response to witnessing evil deeds? Should our pursuit of justice involve retribution? How can understanding others give us insight into why they do the things they do? Featuring some of Shakespeare’s most memorable characters, this riveting and humorous play impresses on us how hard it can be to do what’s right in a complicated world.
Hamlet…………………………………………Chance Jones-Sauray
Gertrude……………………………………….Leigh Ann Taylor
Ophelia…………………………………………Kateryna Fylypchuk
Polonius……………………………………….Lars Lih
Claudius……………………………………….Lowell Gasoi
Laertes…………………………………………Michael Loewen
Horatio…………………………………………Arun Varma
Rosencrantz/Guildenstern……………..Chloé Bilodeau
Guildenstern/Rosencrantz……………..Bruce Lambie
Barnardo/Prologue/Lucianus…………Will Fech
Marcellus……………………………………..Duy Nguyen
Doctor………………………………………….Devin Upham
Player King……………………………………Clive Brewer
Player Queen…………………………………George Chaaya
Gravedigger…………………………………..Zamera Topolovec
Osric……………………………………………….Io’takeratenion Beaton
Director……………………………..Peter Giser
Assistant Directors……………..Laurie Dumont-Bal & Lowell Gasoi
Set & Lighting Design………….Andrew Strang
Production Manager……………Jonathan Greenway
Production Assistant…………..Thomas Rodriguez
Stage Manager……………………Carolyn Riley
Assistant Stage Manager…….Xander Barth
Costume Design…………………..Productions Coracole
Dramaturge……………………….Alice Hinchcliffe